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Can you post some explanation of the choices in 1.8 of the options dialog box. I could not get this work work with ACDsee 5.0 but I could get PS CS to launch. Not sure what the first two itmes do in terms of launching programs. You might want to explain this better on the site or in the dialog bog of the software.
2005-06-14 07:12
First, thanks for your using IExif and writing words here.
IExif is designed for viewing EXIF/GPS/IPTC data of digital images expediently in Internet Explorer and Files Explorer. So you might not use it in ACDSee or Photoshop and so on. Of course, these software can display EXIF information, too. But, sometimes, maybe they are not a best and expedite method.
As for options dialog box, it's easy to understand. IExif allows that user set a program viewing the current image. Certainly, you can set nothing in the input-box. IExif can display the current image by default browser in operating system.
A EXIF Editor named PowerEXIF is developing now. It will be used in IExif. But now nothing will be not selected in the EXIF Editor blank box.
"Enabled Internet Explorer & System Shell Plug-in Version" allows that IExif can be used in IE via clicking right menu over image.
Because there are two display mode in IExif. So you can select one of them based your preference.
I think, IExif is a easy-use software. Understanding and using it might be not a difficult thing.
2005-06-14 07:17
Now, you can get a tip for using IExif in ACDSee.
If you have installed IExif 2.0, open ACDSee and click one JPEG file, then press "Ctrl" or "Shift" key and right click the file, you can see a menu of file in OS, select "View Exif/GPS/IPTC with IExif" as same with in folders.
Have a try.
Matt Mello
2005-06-14 06:59
I origionally posted to the wrong place....
Here is my situation. I shoot in RAW on my Canon 300D. When the RAW program converts it to JPEG (or TIFF), the file loses information that I want, mainly shutter speed and aperture. Since the .thm file that is produced in RAW mode is a JPEG with all the EXIF information, I was wondering if there is a way for your software to read the EXIF information from that file without changing the extension to JPG 1st. Right now, if I change to a JPG, and import the information from that file to the file I want to use, it works.
Thank you
2005-06-14 07:00
PowerExif Editor only deals with JPEG, TIFF(Pro version supports it), Exif template formatted file. It can import all standard Exif data from original file.
If you cannot convert RAW to JPEG/TIFF with full EXIF data, I think you should learn about the operation of the problem from Canon's manual or contact with Canon's company. More features of PowerExif Editor is here:
Hi, I am trying your Digital Film program. I like it. However, the size of the photo after processed are reduced. Is it a limitation to demo version only? If I purchase the software, this size reduction will be removed. Right?
2005-06-14 06:55
Yes, you are right. In fact, the software you are using is a limited version. Registered version of DF will not limit size, product logo, batch process and so on.
parick mech
2005-06-14 06:52
i have a nikon d1x there any way i can find out number of shutter clicks on it...thx
2005-06-14 06:53
Opanda IExif viewer only can read out the number of Nikon D70(s) / D2X / D2H / D50 and later.
2005-06-14 06:50
Should DF be run before editing in Photoshop or afterwards. I'm especially concerned about sharpening, as I like to sharpen in PS and don't want to ruin a sharpening layer with DF.
Do you plan on making a plug in for PS at some point in the future?
2005-06-14 06:50
DigitalFilm is independent of other software in Windows OS.
But you can exchange image data between DF and other graphics software, for example Photoshop, Paint...
You could copy image from PS and paste in DF, also copy the result from DF and paste it into PS.
When re-install
2005-06-14 06:48
When I re-install (clean install) Windows, can I use my register code again? Do I must buy again?
2005-06-14 06:47
The registration code is still available after re-installing Windows OS.
The help is in Chinese?
2005-06-14 06:39
I saw that the greatest part of the help is written in Chinese language. Do you have an English one?
In the trial version, after applying a film type filter or other operation and saving the new file, it seems that all of the exif info from original file is discarded. Is this true, in the full version as well? It would be nice if there was a button to copy over the exif info to the new file. You could even automatically add some text to the exif comment, such as: "Kodak T-Max 100 filter applied. Digital Film 1.6.5."
It would be good if you had a complete list of all the differences between the trial version and full version. For example, the full version 1. does not have the Opanda watermark 2. is not restricted to producing 600x800 images 3. ... 4. ...
There are certain exif fields that I use over and over. It would be nice if the copyright and author fields could default to a given text string (i.e. my name), so that I don't have to keep typing it in.
Your program is very nice. Much potential.
2005-06-14 06:44
Thanks for your suggestion and appreciation.
Logo on my pictures
Lou Dallara
2005-06-14 06:31
How come it puts a Panda Digital Logo on my images? Is there a way to take it out? If I buy a license does that logo go away ??
2005-06-14 06:31
Yes, it's just a trial demo. If you are satisfied with the soft, please purchase it for using full feature version. Certainly, there is not any limit about image size and logo in registered version.
Batch Exif changes
2005-06-14 06:28
DF 1.6.5 doesn't support Exif changes in batch. Right?
I was thinking to the Camera Make/model which is quite the same.... with the same camera.
The reason why I bought (among others) DF is its ability to change camera make/model. With my picture organizer, I do sometimes sorting based on the camera make or model, as I have a bunch of cameras. And one of them has always had an invalid camera make/model field. I can correct this with DF, but one by one.
Additionnaly, it good be good also to batch change a shot date that is wrong. For example, when you've taken shots in an other country and you forgot to change time.
2005-06-14 06:29
Opanda PowerExif Editor Pro version can do it as a batch.